Donors and Sponsors

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Donors and Sponsors
Your unwavering support is the driving force behind our mission. Without your generosity, serving these extraordinary Heroes and their families wouldn't be possible. We deeply appreciate your commitment and are excited to present these exceptional Michigan-made programs to our Heroes and their loved ones.
At this time, we are actively seeking monetary contributions and specific items to further our cause. If you're able to donate any of the items listed below, we'd be immensely grateful. Notably, any substantial donation, such as an ATV, will be acknowledged with the option of custom wrapping or painting to honor the sponsor and our mission, provided the design remains apolitical.
For those who wish to make their impact felt through publicity, we are eager to recognize your benevolence in posts on our official Facebook page.
Please be assured, every donation will be acknowledged with a receipt bearing our Tax ID.
Wish List:
ATVs: 450cc and over (in good or fair condition)
ATV Gear: Helmets, gloves, and goggles (all sizes)
Picnic Tables: 4 needed
Fire Rings: 4 needed
3 of 4000–4500 watt generators or generator/inverters
1 small 2000-watt generator/inverter
Tools: 1 set of a 300-piece toolkit
Water Storage: 1 IBC tank (over 150 gallons)
1 tank
1 grill (in good condition)
Kitchen Supplies: Grilling utensils, disposable kitchen utensils, paper towels, disposable cups and bowls
4 Fire extinguishers (with valid use dates)
1 Emergency medical kit
Storage: 2 garden sheds
1 Microwave
4 Extension Cords (25–40 ft)
2 large, long coolers
Your support is paramount. Together, we can make a difference!
Our Donors
The Schlossberg Family
The Moran Family